Artist - The individual producing the commissioned piece
Client - The individual ordering the commission.
Commission - The form of service provided to the client made by the Artist. Custom-made art piece for the client.
Commission agreement - The discussion, documented via email prior to the starting of the Commission, of the subjects, price, additional fees, and - if applicable - possible deadlines of the commission.
1. By ordering a commission you agree to these Terms of Service.
2. The artist reserves the right to decline or stop working on a commission request without the need to explain the reason to a client. Reasons may include but are not limited to poor communication, rude or inappropriate behavior, provocative or inappropriate themes, a breach of the Terms of service.
4. The Artist has the right to alter the terms of service at any time. New rules will not apply retroactively and won’t influence orders started on older terms.
1. All commissions must be paid full upfront after a rough sketch
2. Payment must be made through PayPal (or Mercari if the Client lives in Japan). The currency is US dollars or Yen
3. Refunds can be requested 5 months after the commission process has started. The refund amount will be calculated depending on the progress of the piece. (This is due to the artist's real life work and other projects)
1. Deadlines must be discussed before the initial quote, as it may affect the price (ie. Rush fee). The artist has the right to refuse deadline requests.
2. The commissioner must provide a clear reference photo. The artist doesn’t have to provide revisions after the sketching stage for any missing aspects in the commission piece if they are also missing in the references.
3. Major changes must be made during the very rough draft stage or rough draft stage.
1. The Artist retains all rights to the Commission. This includes but is not limited to: The right to repost and use the artwork for promotional purposes, use and sell the created image in digital or physical forms.
2. The client is allowed to use the copyrighted artwork for personal use only. The client may not distribute, reproduce, or otherwise profit from the commission or use it for a commercial purpose. Please ask the Artist first if you wish to use the art for these uses. (fees for usage may occur) 3. The client may repost the (watermarked) image as long as proper credit is given to the Artist.
4. The client may not alter, edit or trace the Commission without the Artist’s written permission, or claim the artwork as their own.
5. The client may not display the image in any context that spreads hate towards any kind of group or in a context that paints the Artist in a negative light.
6. The client will not use art for anything related to AI or NFTs.

Terms of service tl;dr:

- The payment must be made after very rough drafts-Refunds are okay 5 months after the commission process. So I HIGHLY RECOMMEND to make sure if your okay with commissioning me- Reference photos and detailed descriptions about the wishes regarding the commission are important to avoid unnecessary working and extra fees for the commissioner.- The usage of the finished artwork; it’s okay to print, turn the image into items, etc. As long as the client is not selling the items forward / they are for personal use only! The artwork can be posted and shared if the artist is credited properly and the commissioner doesn’t try to claim the image as something they’ve made.-If the client wishes to make merch out of commissioned art THEY MUST ASK THE ARTIST FIRST. There will be a fee for doing so.- There’s the part about me retaining all rights to the commission, but this is mostly just for legal purposes in case of someone being nasty. I won’t print or sell anything without prior consent from the commissioner and would probably offer something in exchange if I’d turn the commission into merchandise (for example, acrylic charms).If you have any questions please ask me at 【charlottecbordeaux】at instagram!

This ToS was made by the help of @kiserinn on twitter!